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Conference: Word in context. Language of the Third Millennium

The subject of the conference encompasses a broad range of problems related to Wittgenstein's postulate that "the meaning of a word is its use in the language"
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Humor Conference 2012

We are pleased to announce that the next conference of the International Society for Humor Studies will take place at the Jagiellonian University. The topics will include: computational humor, cultural studies, education, gelotophobia, laughter therapy, linguistics, metaphor, irony, measuring sense of humor, personality, sociology of humor, visual humor, and others
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"Résonances de la traduction" ("Echoes of Translation") conference

The conference "Résonances de la traduction" ("Echoes of translation") will be devoted to the impact of translation
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100 years of English Studies at the JU

It was in 1911 that Roman Dyboski became the first permanent Professor of English Studies at the JU. To mark this occasion, the Institute is holding a jubilee conference
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„Pensées orientale et occidentale: influences et complémentarité"

W dniach 12 i 13 października 2011 roku w Instytucie Filologii Romańskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego miało miejsce międzynarodowe sympozjum naukowe pt. „Pensées orientale et occidentale: influences et complémentarité" (Myśl Orientu i Zachodu: wpływy i komplementarność).
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