Indological Spring in Kraków

On 27-31 May the Department of Indology of the Jagiellonian University played host to Prof Alexis Sanderson (the Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics, University of Oxford, Fellow of All Souls College and Petra Kappert Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg), one of the most eminent experts in religious traditions of India, especially Śaivism. Professor Sanderson delivered a lecture entitled: "A Long and Troubled history. Śaivism and Brahmanism from the Second to Twelfth Centuries", in which he presented the concept of birth and classification of tantric traditions. Professor Alexis Sanderson's visit inspired many fruitful discussions, given that his theories related to the description of the development of tantric traditions are highly regarded in the international scholarly world.

The beginning of June saw a series of lectures by three visiting lecturers – members of editorial board of "Cracow Indological Studies" – Marion Rastelli, Johannes Bronkhorst and Klaus Karttunen.

Prof. Marion Rastelli, Vice-director of the Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, expert in studies on early Vishnu traditions, delivered a lecture on the concept of god in Pāñcarātric literature.  

Prof. Klaus Karttunen of the University of Helsinki delivered a lecture on the Introduction to the History of Indology. His second lecture was entitled "Scholars, Engineers and Wicked Barbarians – Yavanas in Classical Indian Literature".

Prof Johannes Bronkhorst of the University of Lausanne gave a lecture "On the early history of Mīmāṃsā as language philosophy". Professor specialises in Indian philosophical literature and early history of Buddhism. He is the author of a recently published book – "Greater Magadha: Studies in the Culture of Early India". The book helps to place the beginnings of Buddhism in a historical context.

Published Date: 11.06.2012
Published by: Łukasz Bieńkowski