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Wykład otwarty "The Mental Representation of Meaning in Translation and Interpreting"

event-date: 16.10.2017

Katedra do Badań nad Przekładem
i Komunikacją Międzykulturową UJ

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Prof. Piusa ten Hackena

Institut für Translationswissenschaft,
Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck


The Mental Representation 

of Meaning in Translation 

and Interpreting


w poniedziałek 16 października 2017 r., 
godz. 15.30

ul. Krupnicza 33, Auditorium Maximum UJ, Aula Mała, parter

Translation and interpreting require a special use of our linguistic competence. Here I will focus on the representation of meaning in these activities and use as a framework Jackendoff’s (2002) Parallel Architecture (PA). PA provides a good background for the study of a wide range of questions related to language, but Jackendoff’s own work has a monolingual focus, so that its use for modelling translation and interpreting requires some extensions. Crucial in the representation of meaning is what Jackendoff calls Conceptual Structure (CS). CS is not part of language, but interacts with it. It consists of a number of different tiers. These tiers represent different aspects of meaning and are connected with each other. I will show how differences between a number of different types of communication, including different types of translation and interpreting, can be characterized in terms of which tiers of CS are involved and how they interact. In this way, it is possible to show why translation and interpreting require special skills that need to be trained.


Pius ten Hacken is a professor of translation studies at Innsbruck University. He studied French and general linguistics in Utrecht and completed his PhD (English linguistics) and Habilitation (general linguistics) in Basel. He has worked for the machine translation project Eurotra and at universities in Basel, Swansea, and Innsbruck. In the European Association for Lexicography, he has been a member of the Executive Board since 2006, currently as vice-president. His main research interests are terminology, word formation, lexicography, and the nature of language as an object of linguistic study. His monographs include Defining Morphology (Olms, 1994) and Chomskyan Linguistics and its Competitors (Equinox, 2007), and his most recent edited volumes are Word Formation and Transparency in Medical English (with Renáta Panocová, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015) and The Semantics of Compounding (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

Published Date: 06.10.2017
Published by: Monika Curyło